Photo Mechanic® is a registered trademark of Camera Bits®, Inc. This means that there are some rules that you should follow when referencing the brand and software.

  1. When referring to the software, you should use the full name of the product in the first and most prominent reference (“Photo Mechanic® software”, for example).
  2. When using a Camera Bits trademark, mark it with a ™ or ® in the first and most prominent reference.
  3. You may not include Camera Bits or Photo Mechanic in your company name, product, app, service name, or domain name
  4. You may not include Camera Bits or Photo Mechanic in your social media account name, page(s) or community, without written authorization from Camera Bits®, except to describe the purpose of the community (For example: “Photo Mechanic Users Group”)
  5. You may not include any Camera Bits or Photo Mechanic icon design, whole or in part, in your company logo, your product logo, your app’s icon, in your software product or service or in your social media account, page or community images.
  6. You may not use any Camera Bits trademarks in any manner that directly or indirectly expresses or implies Camera Bits sponsorship, affiliation, certification, approval, or endorsement in relation to your product or service without written approval from Camera Bits.
  7. You may not shorten, abbreviate, or modify any Camera Bits trademark.
  8. You may not use a Camera Bits or Photo Mechanic trademark in a disparaging or degrading manner.

A note about company name vs. the brand: When talking about Camera Bits the company, no symbols are required. You can say “Camera Bits is a great place to work,” without adding trademark symbols.

The examples on this page do not cover everything that is prohibited by copyright and trademark law, but are provided as a guide to help you with common scenarios. Please refer to to the United States Patent and Trademark Office for full documentation of laws related to the proper use of trademarks.