Our Team

Dennis W.

Dennis is the creator of Photo Mechanic and Chief Bit Wrangler / Photo Nerd. He doesn't take photos unless it is worth it, but admits this is really either by convenience or purely an aesthetic judgement on his part.

Kirk Baker Kirk Baker

Kirk B.

Kirk is a Senior Software Engineer and he likes to play video games, heavy metal guitar, brew beer, and go off-roading in his spare time. Kirk loves making software that makes a difference in the lives of photographers and editors.

Bob R.

Support Manager Bob was the first Support employee, helping craft the department into the benchmark it is today. When he's not creating solutions to complex workflows, he's refurbishing the historic Camera Bits main office building.

Jamie B.

Jamie is the Camera Bits Sales Manager. She enjoys travel, family time, gardening, and reading. During time away from the office, she likes road trips, big cities, and warm beaches.

Mick O.

Mick is the Director of Marketing at Camera Bits. He enjoys photography, Portland Thorns soccer, and getting lost in 13th century Icelandic literature.

Amy B.

Amy is the Director of Operations. When she isn’t making the Camera Bits wheels turn, she likes to spend time taking pictures, singing, crafting, and hanging out with her family.

John K.

When he's not playing board games or playing ukuleles, John loves taking photos and videos, and has for a few decades now. His background helps him as Technical Marketing and Support because he's been there and knows how photographers think and work.

Andrew H.

Andrew is the Senior Manager of Technical Support and has a 75lb. pit bull named Tater and a 2lb. rabbit named Beans. He tries to never do the same hike twice and enjoys cycling, photography, and video games… maybe his next hobby will be less expensive.

Niq B.

Niq genuinely enjoys phone calls! When not ensuring Customer Success, they are drawing or roller-skating. They live with their rescue dog, Sinclaire, and have been trained by their local murder of crows to deliver daily bread-crumbs in a timely fashion.

Pablo G.G.

Pablo is our Director of Software Engineering. He enjoys participating in long distance Randonneuring events on bicycle or Iron Butt challenges on motorcycle. When not riding, he likes to spend time with family, traveling, taking photos, or just hanging out.

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