Category: Blog

Photo Mechanic and Apple Silicon (M1/M2 etc.) Compatibility

Many people have asked us about Photo Mechanic and Apple Silicon (M1) Compatibility. Apple announced new computers in November 2020 with a new M1 chip, also known as Apple Silicon.

Photo Mechanic 6 and Photo Mechanic Plus run on macOS Big Sur and Monterey M1 devices with Rosetta 2 emulation. However, native support for the architecture of the new chipset will take longer. Having said that, most Photo Mechanic operations are not particularly processor intensive, like video rendering, so much of the Apple Silicon speed improvements will already be apparent under emulation with the current versions of Photo Mechanic.

The next major versions of Photo Mechanic and Photo Mecchanic Plus will run natively on Macs with the new M1 chips, we have no timeline for when this will happen. We will make any announcements on our forum and our Twitter and Facebook accounts.

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