Category: Blog

The Latest #WorkflowWednesday Tips Roundup

Here at Camera Bits, we know that a fast, efficient workflow can be extremely helpful to photographers. That’s why we post helpful workflow tips every Wednesday using the hashtag #WorkflowWednesday

In case you missed last month’s tips, here’s a roundup of the latest #WorkflowWednesday posts. If you want to get updates on the tips, you can follow Photo Mechanic on Facebook and Twitter.


Leslie Lello shares her process for using color classes


Guest blogger Tiffany Wu lists her favorite Photo Mechanic features. 


60 Minutes goes into the wild with Tom Mangelsen


Guest blog from Lin and Jirsa on managing high volume shoots


Workflow software picks from Rangefinder Magazine


Like these tips? Have any to add? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter and follow us for tech support and more tips every #WorkflowWednesday.

Haven’t tried Photo Mechanic yet? Sign up for a free 30-day trial here!

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