Sprouting Photographer Podcast with Dennis Walker
You may be familiar with Photo Mechanic and it’s speed, but do you know about the person behind the company and the product, Dennis Walker? In this podcast, the founder and president of Camera Bits and creator of Photo Mechanic sat down with the Sprouting Photographer podcast to talk about photography workflow. Listen in to get tips on workflow efficiency, discover Photo Mechanic features that you may not know about, and learn how Photo Mechanic was inspired by sports photography at a big sporting event.
Listen to the interview here!
Here is a summary of the discussion topics:
- Where the idea for Photo Mechanic came from.
- Examining your workflow to make it more efficient.
- File naming, culling, and meta data best practices.
- Warnings about buying the latest and greatest software and products.
- Learning about workflows by observing other photographers.
- The importance of learning keyboard shortcuts in any software to improve efficiency.
- Consistency is key when working with others.
- Setting up templates and shortcuts per type of photography you do.
- Hidden powerful secrets of using Photo Mechanic.
- Bryan’s workflow tips when using Photo Mechanic.
We hope you enjoy the podcast! And if you haven’t already, check out the other podcasts with Bryan Caporicci over at the Sprouting Photographer podcast.
Did you discover any new workflow tips today? Got any questions or comments? Let us know on Twitter and Facebook!